Social Media & Digital Marketing Agency

Welcome to Zaki SMMA, where growth meets innovation. We specialize in social media account management, paid ad campaigns, influencer collaborations, video editing, SEO, content creation, branding, and graphic design to propel your business forward. Let us be your catalyst for digital success.

A partner, not a vendor

What We Do

More visibility

Having more visibility doesnt mean exactly sales, it means you have an audience that sees your service and product.

More Follows & likes

Engagement (Likes, comments, and shares) helps the platform promote your content, followers are the people who wants to see more about you, and are the best people to sell to.

Conversion & Sales

The conversion happens once you check all the points that the clients needs to make a purchase: Offer, Reviews, & Time.

Portfolio Presentation by Houssam Zaki

Our services

Empower Your Brand with Comprehensive Solutions

ZAKI SMMA is a client-centric company that puts the needs of client first, we thrive to bring new standards to the market, with 5 years experience in the EU & US market. The Company were established 2023, with a team of 4 experts in social media marketing.

From social media management to graphic design, our expert team combines innovation with proven strategies to drive tangible results and foster meaningful connections with your audience. Explore our suite of services tailored to meet your unique business needs and embark on a journey towards digital success.

about us

Fueling Your Digital Success with Innovation and Expertise

At Zaki SMMA, we are more than just a marketing agency – we are your dedicated partners in digital success. With a relentless focus on innovation, creativity, and results, we strive to empower businesses of all sizes to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our team of passionate experts brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience across various industries to deliver tailored solutions that drive tangible outcomes. From crafting compelling brand narratives to executing targeted advertising campaigns, we are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations and helping them achieve their goals. At the core of our ethos lies a dedication to authenticity, integrity, and excellence in everything we do. Partner with us, and let’s embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of your brand in the digital realm.

why zaki smma

How We Drive Revenue

Targeted Advertising Campaigns

We optimize your marketing budget with precise audience targeting, driving increased sales and revenue.

Strategic Content Creation

Engaging storytelling and persuasive messaging guide leads through the sales funnel, converting them into customers.

Conversion Rate Optimization

We refine your website and marketing channels to improve conversion rates at every touchpoint, maximizing revenue potential.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Through advanced analytics, we provide actionable insights to refine strategies and drive long-term revenue growth.

Ready to Ignite Your Digital Growth? Let's Connect Today!

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say!


Average Traffic Increase for Clients

Our team

Our Unified Force Behind Success

Since our establishment in 2023, Zaki SMMA has flourished under the guidance of our tightly-knit team of social media marketing experts. While our team members prefer to remain behind the scenes, their collective passion, expertise, and dedication form the backbone of our operations. Together, we work tirelessly to drive unparalleled success for our clients, ensuring that every strategy and campaign is executed with precision and excellence. Experience the impact of our unified force driving your brand towards digital triumph.