How to put your business on google maps?
How to Put your Business  on Google Maps?

Since the great majority of searches that produce websites visitors begin with google serach,Another major source of clicks and customers visiting businesses with physical locations, such as shops and restaurants, is Google Maps.

Since it’s necessary to rank in the Local Pack results (also known as Map Pack results).

Google My Business is the most crucial component of any Local SEO campaign. This means that the first action every local or small business should take to improve their local SEO is to create an account.

Here is an example of a Google My Business account in use- an Lawyer Office can be seen using their Google My Business account to appear in the Map Pack results.

Potential clients can view a continually growing collection of information from this page, including the business contact information and opening hours as well as specifics about the products and offers.

Related photos of the offices or samples of the work, clients testimonials. News related to th business and frequently asked questions, to mention a few.

By having your business listed on Google Maps, you may attract directly customers by taking advantage of searches that are conducted on Google and Maps. In order to foster trust and increase the likelihood that a search will result in a sale,

It also provides searchers with additional information, such as your business’s opening hours and services details, along with user reviews.

because of this having a Google Maps listing is crucial for any local business. However, How can a business owner add their business to Google Maps?

Google My Business ( Google Business Profile )has the Answer.

What is Google My Business (Google Business Profile)?

Google My Business (now known as Google business Profile) is a free online tool that lets businesses control how Google Maps display their locations.

Although having a website is not required in order to list your business on Google Maps, having one will help you get more exposure in Google local search results, which will improve your chance of making a sale or have a book.

How to set up Google My Business (Google Business Profile)?

we have created a short video to walk you through on HOW TO PUT YOUR BUSINESS ON GOOGLE MAPS?, utilizing  zaki-smma.co.za a digital marketing agency, as an example.

Step:1 visiting the Google My Business main page.

Visit this page Google Business then select sign in. You can sign in with your Google account, which you use for thing like Google Drive, YouTube and Gmail.

Step:2 visiting the Google My Business main page.

Verify whether you business has already been listed.
After selecting Manage start typing the name of your business.

It might have already been created, in that case you can claim it. On the other hand you can enter your business name and select “Create a Business with the Provided Name” after that.

Choose the name of your Google My Business name

Step 3: verify your business name.

Check that your business name appears correctly after that. It should to appear as it does on your website and any place else that your business name is mentioned.

Step 4: Google My Business categories

Selecting a suitable Google My Business is now required. This is where your business should primarily be located. Once your profile has been set up, you can add more categories, so far now, just select the main category.

Google My Business Categories

Step 5: Add your Google My Business location.

You can now decide if your business has a physical location that clients can visit.
If you are a business like : Plummer, electrician and cleaning services Just click NO.
If you are a Business Like : Gym, Store and restaurant that customers can visit your address Click on Yes

Step 6: Add your business address

Enter the exact address that appears on your website for your business.
When referencing your business address online, it’s crucial to use the same format and address everywhere. This help everything organized and helps to prevent misunderstandings.

Drag and zoom the map and position the marker on the exact spot where your business is located.

Step 7: Add locations you can serve or deliver.

This is where you can include whether you serve other locations.

If you Choose YES, you can list the cities, states, or nations that you serve.

If you Can’t Deliver your products outside the of your store or if you a service based business you will Click on NO like in the image bellow

Step 8: Adding your phone number or Email to your business details.

Next, your phone number that you want your customers to see in your profile then enter your website address (if you have one) and Google My Business other contact details (bonus points if you have a local number).

Next, Google will ask you this : Would you like alerts, notifications, or tips about ways to manage your business on Google?, Choose Yes and Press Next

Step 9: Add the services that you provide.

Provide the services that your business provides. You have the option to add custom services in addition to selecting from Google suggested services.

This is a crucial option because business without a physical location won’t appear in Google Maps.

Step 10: Finish & Manage your Google My Business Profile.

Finally, press Finish to save your profile.

Google My Business (Google Business Profile) Dashboard.

After finishing your profile, you will be able to access your dashboard on Google my Business (Google Business Profile), this place is where you can change you business information, opening hours pictures and description, any subcategories that your business belong to, and much more.

How to verify your Google My Business List?

To properly manage your Google My Business Profile, you will need to verify it. You can do this by entering code that will be sent in Text Massage or by mail the form of a postcard to the business address that you provide.

The Final results (How should be the Dashboard look like).

You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your profile is active. Customers can now locate your business on Google  maps and Google search.

Optional Step: Bing Places

You can import your Google My business details into Bing Places to further boost your visibility. This is Bing’s version of Google my Business, enabling your business to appear in both Bing’s local search results and Bing Maps

Conecting Google my business to Bing Places

In order to guarantee that any modifications you make to your Google My Business profile are reflected in Bing, you can also sync you Bing Places profile.

Google My Business Listing Connected to Bing Places

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2 Trackbacks:

[…] confirming their Google My Business profile seems like a straightforward process: Step one involves creating a GMB profile, followed by claiming the GMB listing in step two, and finally, verifying it in step three. […]

[…] it boosts your local SEO, making your local business more likely to show up when people use Google Maps to search for nearby […]

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